Incoherent Mumbling
Friday, April 21, 2006

Been tagged. Read on.

Six weird things about me:

1. I hate it when stuff touches my face. Especially the water in the shower or stray bits of hair during a haircut. I do still wash my face, but I do not put it directly into the stream of water.

2. I have walked past homes of people that I know, hoping they are home looking out their window so when they see me they can invite me in. Several times. Consecutively. No-one has yet to invite me in.

3. I don't hand-write normally. I mean, I rarely form a letter the same way twice, or follow any pattern when I make a letter. Sometimes I start at the top left, sometimes it is the bottom right, or mabye I start in the middle and work both ways. I do this unconciously -- I only know about it because my wife pointed it out.

4. I cannot be organized. I have tried a PDA, pocket calendar, notebooks -- they all fail. Or rather, I fail. I just don't take the time to write events down. And then I schedule multiple events for the same day and hour.

5. I look at feet. I recognize people by their shoes and feet before I look at thier face. If everyone I know took off their shoes and threw them into a pile I could probably return all of them to their rightful owners. If I know you, I look at your feet.

6. I try to keep a good book in my pocket at all times.


Five minutes to yourself. Read the book in my pocket.

Five bucks to spend right now. Go to the Book Bin.

Five items you could part with in your house, right now, that you hadn't thought of already. My wingtips (read: shoes from hell). My baseball bat (read: home protection system). My couch (read: not where I sit). My TV (read: the thing is an evil drainer of time that I am unable to resist). My old T-Shirts (read: I have, like, a billion).

Five items you absolutely, positively, could not part with in your house. Books, text and otherwise. Photos. Chair. Lappy and PC. Bible.

Five words you love. Sarcophagus, Tertiary, Theorem, Daah-eee, Loquacious.

Five folks I'm tagging. I don't tag. Do it if you want. If not -- DONT. 
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