Incoherent Mumbling
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  Two posts in one day!

In a previous post I ran Dell into the ground. Well, I must now give credit where it is due. I dropped my laptop today. I know, crazy. It was on the kitchen table and the cord was hanging down. As I got up I pulled the lappy off the table by the cord with my leg.

Eric: Ooohh ccrraaapp
Lappy: falls, falls, falls. Lands with a sickening thud, on it's bottom with enough force to shut the lid.
Eric: Ooohh ccrraaapp
Lappy: is fine. Doesn't even stop loading the web-page I was browsing -- acts as if nothing happened.
Eric:Ooohh ccrraaapp, iitt stiiilll (cut the slow-mo) works. WAHOO!

So, Dell, thanks for the rigid lappy. I am now a happy customer again. 
I dropped my tablet pc in class one time. It was intro to theatre arts and we were sitting on bleachers. It fell, bounced, fell through the crack, fell another 3 feet, hit the ground, unlatched, and the screen opened halfway and rotated about 110 degrees.

Everyone in the class became silent as I stooped down to pick up my seemingly mangled laptop. I rotated the screen back into place, picked up my tablet pen, and proceeded to play Hoyle Hold-em.

Still working great.
Awesome. You must have really been pounding the hit/stay buttons to cause such a catastrophe. It probably looked real bad with the screen all twisted, as tablets are not too common.

I have heard stories about IBM Thinkpads that have survived house fires and 20 foot drops. I wonder if any of those are true, or if they are simply urban legend. On to Snopes I guess...
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