Incoherent Mumbling
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
  I am lazy

After writing that last post about the minivan and wanting a radio that works, I realized that I had never pulled the radio out of our current car and checked out it's wiring. Well I did it later that day. It was a verifiable rats nest back there. I rewired the power distribution and now the radio works fine. Imagine if I had done that on the day after I got the thing instead of waiting for months. We could have had tunes for a long time now.

I wish I wasn't so lazy
Yeah, not the end of the world I suppose.

But to think of how long we have been without a radio just because I didn't take half an hour out of my busy schedule...
It's been about 18 months that we've had the thing, I think.

But you know, it really didn't bother me too much. Maybe if I had a long daily commute or something it would have annoyed me. Sans radio, Beth and I just sang songs to each other. If I was alone in the car (a rarity) I listened to my iPod.

I am certainly enjoying the wondrous novelty of having music (and NPR) in the car again! Thanks, honey. Better late than never!
Thanks for being nice about it. I will try to be less lazy in the future.
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