Incoherent Mumbling
Saturday, August 26, 2006

So, I am about 6-7 months from graduation. I have started to look for jobs. I have applied to places in England (haven't heard back, been about 2 months, not holding my breath), Boise (wanted someone available sooner), Santa Clarita, Bend, Portland (all recent, still have not had a callback). I am beginning to wonder if starting so early was a very good idea.

I want to have a job in hand before I graduate, thus the early resume circulation. People who are looking for applicants want them to start sooner than later. It is a strange position: yes I want the job, but I can't start for several months, don't you think I am so qualified that you are willing to wait? No? Blast. 
Um, I think you should have taken that job in Boise. Boise is a good place.
I really wanted the Boise job. But, I also want to graduate. I could transfer, which would cost me something in credits/classes/graduation requirements, and I would be an out-of-state student -- fees for that are imense. Also, they wanted someone by the end of the month. So, I would have had to make all those decisions and move by this thursday.

But if you have a line on some other people that look like they do interesting work and are looking for people, by all means forward it on. Boise isn't necessarily out of the picture, yet. :)
I'm growing rather partial to the Baltimore area, myself. Boise has too many potatos for me.
Baltimore is also not out of the question ... forward those cool jobs on to me.
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