Incoherent Mumbling
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
  The Motorcycle Story

I have always wanted a motorbike. I used to daydream about them as a kid. I rode three-wheelers and quads when I worked on the farm, and my cousins have always had bikes that I could borrow. But never my own.

When I was younger it was a simple matter of money -- I didn't have any. As I got older, I went to college, got married, still no money, but also it didn't seem like a practical mode of transport year-round. We talked about it, decided against it, shelved the idea.

But then a couple of guys that my wife worked with bought bikes to use as commuters year round. And they did just fine. They wore rain gear, they got cold, but the money savings were huge.

We looked into costs: gas, $3.00/gallon, bikes like mine get 50mpg, insurance, ~$180.00/year, the bikes themselves are very inexpensive. Fiscally, a good deal. We could sell one of our cars and end up with more cash on hand to buy a minivan next year.

So we decided to get one. I looked for months, riding this and that, nothing grabbed me. Then I rode the perfect one.

Today I passed the practical DMV exam, so I have a valid motorcycle endorsment. I am now a legitimate motorcycle man.

Is there anyone out there who wants to buy a 1996 Honda Accord, 203000 miles, newly stolen stereo? 
What, no takers on the car yet?

Have fun with your newly-legal Motorcycle of Dreams.
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